High Mark User Base Contact: productsupport@crifhighmark.com
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):


How can I contact CRIF High Mark for Product support?

You can send an email to productsupport@crifhighmark.com with your contact details and a
description of your problem.A CRIF High Mark expert will get in touch with you


How can I get my profile information changed?

Please contact the administrator of your institution to get this changed. If you want to know who your
administrator is, send an email to productsupport@crifhighmark.com with the following information :

  • Name
  • Organization Name
  • Employee Id
  • Reporting Manager
  • Information to be changed


What are the regulations guiding operations of CRIF High Mark?

CRIF High Mark operates within the law as laid down by the Credit Information Company Regulation
Act (CICRA) of 2005. You can refer to the following links for additional information


Where can I find detailed information about current features available on the portal?

You can refer the HELP section (https://www.hub.crifhighmark.com/help)on the portal to get
details about,

  • Available and future product releases
  • How to use products
  • Benefits derived from using products


How can I get training on CRIF High Mark's products?

As a principle, CRIF High Mark makes information available in the Help section (refer question 4). We
suggest that you review the information in Help. If you feel you still need training, please send
an email to productsupport@crifhighmark.com with the following information

  • Name
  • Organization Name
  • Employee Id
  • Reporting Manager
  • Topics training wanted on


Can I request for a report that I have inquired earlier? Will my institution need to pay again for

CRIF High Mark's credit reports are archived for reissue to a member for a period of 30 days after the
initial issue of the report. You can request for this by using the option "REISSUE" and providing
the report number of the original report. This option will show you the report with the data AS
OF the date of the initial issue of the report.

If you want to request an updated report for the same customer but don't want to enter all the
details again, use the "FORCENEW" option and provide the reference number of the original


How do I find out how many reports have been used this month?

You can use the REPORTS section on the portal (https://www.hub.crifhighmark.com/reports)to
access a menu of reports that will show you product usage for your institution. Reports can be
accessed only if you have administrator rights.


When do I use the Bulk Inquiry feature and when do I use the Single Inquiry feature?

CRIF High Mark suggests that you make your decision based on your credit policy guidelines and credit
approval timelines. A rule of thumb is to use the bulk inquiry feature if you can wait for a day
before making your credit decision for the application that you are processing. If you want an
immediate response, you should use the Single Inquiry feature.


Is the CRIF High Mark portal compatible with all internet browsers?

CRIF High Mark portal is compatible with IE6.0 and above, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. If your
institution does not use one of these browsers, we suggest that you download and install these
from the internet. All of them are freely downloadable from the internet.


What are the fields I must enter to do an inquiry?

All the mandatory fields for the inquiry are denoted by an asterisk (*). CRIF High Mark recommends
that you enter any additional information that you have in the inquiry fields. Entering additional
information allows CRIF High Mark to provide more reliable results.


How do I get access to additional products?

When you login, you will see all products to which you have access. If you need access to
additional products, please contact your administrator. If you want to know who your
administrator is, refer question 2.